Doreen Valiente - Witch

Saturday, 7 July 2012

CFPS Education in Nottinghamshire

July 2012 - CFPS speak to A-Level Sociology class

The Centre For Pagan Studies were invited into a Nottinghamshire school to speak to students studying comparative religions as part of their Sociology course. Cuorse tutor Paul Aspden invited Ashley Mortimer of the CFPS to spend an afternoon explaining about paganism and modern pagan beliefs to a class of sociology students. After a successful afternoon and a good grilling from the students Mr Aspden has requested further assistance from the CFPS to prepare a module specifically about paganism to be taught as part of the 2013 course. Ashley has been invited back to speak again to more students to explore more ideas about paganism and pagan religious practices, Ashley says "Its so important that we continue to educate the wider community about modern paganism, where it came from, how it works and what Pagans actually do - unlike other religious groups we have no "recruitment drive" and schools like South Notts Academy are realising that there's great benefit in exposing their students to paganism purely for education without the fear of it being turned into evangelising, though, as is common when speaking about paganism, there was a definite current of empathy from the students". CFPS and Pagan Pride are to collaborate further with schemes like these and invite enquiries from other schools and education establishments.